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Error cargar lenguaje - /var/www/ora/lang/1/config_names_lang.php

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Registro Recurso

RECURSO : Banco de Investigación de Opinión Pública de Guyana



N° Nombre Etiqueta Tipo Tema Subtema Pais Latitud Longitud Estado Opciones
1 Qn Qn. Questionnaire number numero GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
2 A A. Location texto GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
3 RCP1 RCP1. Sex texto GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
4 RCP2 RCP2. Age texto GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
5 RCP3 RCP3. Schooling/Instruction texto GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
6 RCP4 RCP4. Marital Status texto GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
7 RCP6 RCP6. Occupation/Profession: Do you work or have a job? texto GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
8 RCP7a RCP7a. Income - Individual (In local currency) numero GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
9 RCP7b RCP7b. Income - Family (in local currency) numero GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
10 I1 l1. How do you feel about your life today? texto GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
11 I2 l2. How do you currently feel about the future of your country? texto Desarrollo Socio-Económico Estado actual GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
12 SD1 SD1. What is the first factor (thing) that comes to your mind when you think about the Amazon region? texto Desarrollo Socio-Económico Estado actual GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
13 SD2a SD2a. Please indicate three things that you believe present great potential or are important for the Amazon region's development.First… texto Desarrollo Socio-Económico Factores de desarrollo GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
14 SD2b sD2b. Please indicate three things that you believe present great potential or are important for the Amazon region's development.Second... texto Desarrollo Socio-Económico Factores de desarrollo GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
15 SD2c SD2c. Please indicate three things that you believe present great potential or are important for the Amazon region's development.Third... texto Desarrollo Socio-Económico Factores de desarrollo GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
16 SD3a SD3a. In your opinion, what should be a priority or what needs to be done for the Amazon region to develop? First... texto Desarrollo Socio-Económico Factores de desarrollo GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
17 SD3b SD3b. In your opinion, what should be a priority or what needs to be done for the Amazon region to develop? Second... texto Desarrollo Socio-Económico Factores de desarrollo GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
18 SD3c SD3c. In your opinion, what should be a priority or what needs to be done for the Amazon region to develop? Third... texto Desarrollo Socio-Económico Factores de desarrollo GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
19 SD4 SD4. What are your expectations regarding the future of the Amazon region? What do you think will happen to the Amazon region in the next 5,10 or 20 years? texto Desarrollo Socio-Económico Espectativas del futuro GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
20 SD5a SD5a. What would you like to happen in the Amazon region in the next 5,10 or 20 years? texto Desarrollo Socio-Económico Espectativas del futuro GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
21 SD5b SD5b. What would you like to happen in the Amazon region in the next 5,10 or 20 years? texto Desarrollo Socio-Económico Espectativas del futuro GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
22 SD6 SD6. In your opinion, has the Government of Guyana shown a concern and tried to solve the socioeconomic problems detected locally in the Amazon region? texto Desarrollo Socio-Económico Rol del estado GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
23 SD7a SD7a. From what you know or have heard...What is the Amazon region's greatest underexplored or unexplored economic potential?First... texto Desarrollo Socio-Económico Actividades Económicas GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
24 SD7b SD7b. From what you know or have heard...What is the Amazon region's greatest underexplored or unexplored economic potential? Second... texto Desarrollo Socio-Económico Actividades Económicas GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125
25 SD7c SD7c. From what you know or have heard...What is the Amazon region's greatest underexplored or unexplored economic potential? Third... texto Desarrollo Socio-Económico Actividades Económicas GUYANA 4.8657926999315 -58.9530125


N° Qn. Questionnaire number A. Location RCP1. Sex RCP2. Age RCP3. Schooling/Instruction RCP4. Marital Status RCP6. Occupation/Profession: Do you work or hav... RCP7a. Income - Individual (In local currency) RCP7b. Income - Family (in local currency) l1. How do you feel about your life today? Estado Opciones
1 549 Good Hope Female 16 to 24 Never went to school Single Household worker 30000 80000 Satisfied
2 454 Lethem Male 25 to 34 Complete Post Secondary Married Company employee/officially employed salaried worker 52000 100000 Unsatisfied
3 234 Aishalton Male 25 to 34 Incomplete Secondary Common Law Company employee/officially employed salaried worker 49000 80000 Satisfied
4 503 Lethem Female 16 to 24 Complete Post Secondary Common Law Civil servant/federal, state, department or municipal 50000 130000 Unsatisfied
5 332 Lethem Male 25 to 34 Complete Secondary Common Law Company employee/officially employed salaried worker 75000 120000 Satisfied
6 551 Good Hope Female 45 to 54 Never went to school Widow/er No. What situation describes you? Unemployed 88 70000 Satisfied
7 520 Lethem Male 25 to 34 Complete Post Secondary Married Others 88 88 Very satisfied
8 233 Aishalton Male 55 to 64 Complete Primary Common Law Farmer/rural producer 49000 88 Satisfied
9 254 Aishalton Male 25 to 34 Complete Secondary Common Law No. What situation describes you? Others 70000 99 Satisfied
10 215 Aishalton Female 65+ Complete Primary Widow/er No. What situation describes you? Retired 13000 32000 Satisfied
11 127 Dadanawa Female 45 to 54 Never went to school Common Law No. What situation describes you? Unemployed 99 19000 Doesn't Know/ No option
12 480 Lethem Female 16 to 24 Incomplete Primary Common Law Household worker 88 56000 Satisfied
13 236 Aishalton Male 65+ Never went to school Married No. What situation describes you? Unemployed 99 31000 Doesn't Know/ No option
14 128 Dadanawa Female 65+ Never went to school Widow/er No. What situation describes you? Unemployed 99 15000 Satisfied
15 248 Aishalton Male 55 to 64 Never went to school Married No. What situation describes you? Unemployed 99 31000 Satisfied
16 237 Aishalton Male 45 to 54 Incomplete Primary Married Farmer/rural producer 17000 25000 Satisfied
17 244 Aishalton Male 35 to 44 Never went to school Married Farmer/rural producer 27000 47000 Satisfied
18 552 Good Hope Female 25 to 34 Complete Primary Married Household worker 30000 90000 Satisfied
19 173 Dadanawa Male 65+ Incomplete Primary Married Others 7000 88 Satisfied
20 468 Lethem Female 55 to 64 Complete Primary Separated/Divorced Household worker 40000 88 Unsatisfied
21 124 Dadanawa Female 25 to 34 Complete Primary Common Law Others 40000 88 Satisfied
22 245 Aishalton Male 65+ Never went to school Married No. What situation describes you? Unemployed 88 19000 Satisfied
23 60 Aishalton Female 25 to 34 Complete Primary Separated/Divorced Self-employed/ Freelancer 40000 88 Satisfied
24 470 Lethem Female 35 to 44 Complete Secondary Married Household worker 40000 88 Satisfied
25 123 Dadanawa Female 35 to 44 Complete Primary Common Law Household worker 30000 50000 Unsatisfied